Returns and Refunds Policy

We do understand there may be a need to return some of the products that you purchase from our site. As long as an item is still in its original condition, we accept returns, subject to the rules below.

On delivery of your order

When we delivery your order, while our delivery representative is at your premises, please check if:

(a) any products that you have ordered and paid for is missing in the delivery;
(b) any products delivered, especially perishables, are damaged, spoiled or otherwise unusable.

Once you have checked the delivered products, if any product is missing or damaged, please identify them in the receipt and accept the order by signing the delivery documents, which will be collected by our delivery representative.

Products that are damaged or spoiled will be collected by the delivery representative and we will either replace those products or proceed to provide refund for those items.  Products that are missing in the delivery will be delivered separately or we will proceed to refund those products if we are unable to fulfil the order.

Returning a product ordered

Generally, when products you have ordered are delivered in good condition and meets the description on our website, we assume we have fulfilled the ordered. However, in the unlikely circumstance that you wish to return a product, we will be happy to exchange it to another product of your choice within 24 hours of placing the order, provided:

(a) product is in its original condition and the packing is intact;
(b) value of the product (including GST if applicable) is same as the product that you wish to exchange or in the case if the value of the product (including GST if applicable) is more that the originally ordered product, then you are willing to pay for the difference.

We will not be able to accept a return of a Product and offer a refund if the total value of the final receipt decreases.

Cancellation of Order

Generally, cancellation of an order is not possible if the order is confirmed and payment is already made. An order can be cancelled under the following circumstances:

(a) when we are unable to fulfil an order due to unavailability;
(b) when an error in pricing is detected and you do not wish to accept the corrected price;
(c) when you have placed an order for a single product, that is out of stock and you do not wish to accept a substitute product;
(d) when we refuse to accept your order when something unusual on your order or account is identified.


We will allow refunds for your orders under the following circumstances:

(a) when we are unable to fulfil your order for a product that is out of stock and you do not wish to accept a substitute product;
(b) when we are unable to replace a damaged or spoilt product;
(c) when we are unable to deliver a missing product in your order;
(d) when an order you have paid for is deemed cancelled according to the circumstances listed under “Cancellation of Order” section in this Policy.

Under the above circumstances the refund process will start immediately, and refund will be made to via bank transfer to your bank account from which the payment was made. Transfer slip will be sent to you by Viber/WhatsApp or email. Please allow at least 24 hours for the process to be completed.

Last updated: 08 March 2021

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